Events: September 9-10 Artsville Weekend
Join Artsville for weekend of art and friendship. Enjoy a virtual talk with Jim McDowell on Sept. 9, and party with Artsville Collective in person at Marquee on Sept. 10.

On September 9 from 12-1pm: Art a la Carte: A VIRTUAL discussion with Jim McDowell, “The Black Potter”
The first event of the Artsville weekend. Join this virtual lunchtime discussion with Jim , "The Black Potter," to learn about the history, culture, and uses of face jugs. These collectibles have a meaningful legacy within the framework of family and community. For more information and to get the Zoom link, click here. This is a free event and all are welcome!

On September 10 from 2-5pm: CELEBRATE with Artsville Collective at Marquee Asheville
Join the second event of the Artsville weekend. Visit Artsville Collective's popular open house at Marquee Asheville where the work of five guest artists in the current exhibition “A Walk in the Woods” is on display. Get to know Artsville’s artists, supporters, and community creatives IN PERSON at Marquee in the River Arts District. Food, wine, and friendship are served up with a special presentation at 3:30 pm. For more information, click here. This is a free event and all are welcome!